Financial reporting
Von Roll reports on its financial performance on a semi-annual basis in accordance with the Swiss GAAP FER standard. The financial reports are available for download online.
Our financial report from the year 2023
In the fiscal year 2023, the Von Roll Group continued its positive business performance. In a persistently challenging market environment characterized by geopolitical tensions, a sharp rise in energy prices and sustained high inflation, net sales and earnings could be further increased.
Our half-year report from the year 2023
In the first half of the current fiscal year 2023, Von Roll Group was able to continue its positive business development. In a persistently challenging market environment characterized by geopolitical tensions, sharp increases in energy prices and persistently high inflation, we were able to further increase both net sales and earnings.
Sales of our specialty tapes for electrical insulation systems showed a pleasing trend. This was again due to the worldwide increase in energy demand and the associated expansion of power generation. The newly developed specialty resins for use in electric vehicles and power electronics met with a strong market response. Thanks to clear technical advantages combined with maximum environmental compatibility, we are involved in a large number of promising tenders.
The R&D pipeline, which has been well filled in recent years, puts us in a strong position to participate in attractive future markets with differentiated products and particularly environmentally friendly materials.