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04-03-2020 Higher voltage level, more power - Faster charging with 800 V (German)…
03-02-2020 Core Filler for aircraft interiors promises less weight, lower costs. (English)…
03-02-2020 New core filler for aircraft interiors (German)…
28-10-2019 How our NEXT GEN core filler for aircraft interiors mean less material, less weight, and less manufacturing costs. (English)…
04-02-2019 Higher efficiencies thanks to SST-Litzen (German)…
14-06-2022 Von Roll introduce their cost-saving solution for party manufacturing — the new Von Roll EP200 range of prepregs, developed with AI.
11-01-2022 Synthetic resins are increasingly gaining a foothold in safety-critical applications such as electric vehicle protection. (English)…
27-10-2021 To advance the safety and efficiency of electric vehicles, burnout protection is one of the most important aspects. (German)…
30-11-2020 Innovative impregnating and potting resins as well as coatings for applications (English)…
02-11-2020 Anniversary: One hundred and ten years for Dolph’s (English)…
Article regarding the Von Roll Core Filler in JEC Composites Magazine March/ April 2020…