Financial Publications

  • Fi­nan­cial Re­port 2023

    In the fiscal year 2023, the Von Roll Group continued its positive business performance.

  • Semi-Annual Report 2023

    In the first half of the current fiscal year 2023, the Von Roll Group was able to continue its positive business trend.

  • Annual Report Von Roll 2022 title

    Annual Report 2022

    For the past fiscal year, the Von Roll Group can look back on a positive business performance. For the upcoming fiscal year 2023, demand in our core markets is expected to remain stable.

  • Deckblatt Halbjahresbericht 2022

    Semi-Annual Report 2022

    The past half-year was again impacted by isolated lockdowns, particularly in Asia, due to COVID-19. This was compounded by macropolitical turbulence triggered by the Ukraine conflict, which put additional strain on already fragile supply chains.

  • Cover of annual Report 2021

    Annual Report 2021

    Once again, the past financial year has been dominated by the global pandemic. Although the global markets have now adapted better to the disruptions caused by the pandemic, repeated waves of infection, significant supply chain disruptions and surging raw material…

  • Semi Annual Report 2021

    Semi Annual Report 2021

    We have gone through a period of several years of restructuring, which included divesting unprofitable business units, increasing productivity, modernizing our products and management systems, and restoring our financial strength.

  • Semi Annual Report 2020

    Semi Annual Report 2020

    The first half 2020 was marked by the worldwide spread of the coronavirus pandemic and its negative consequences for the global economy.

  • Annual Report 2019 Cover Sheet

    Annual Report 2019

    The 2019 financial year was marked by a particularly challenging market environment. The continuing trade conflicts between China and the USA, the uncertainties around Brexit and the noticeable slowdown in the global economy have significantly impacted demand on our core…

  • Annual Report 2018 Cover Sheet

    Annual Report 2018

    In the financial year 2018, we made further progress both in consolidating our global business activities and in optimising our key operating figures and financial structure.

  • Semi Annual Report 2018

    In the first half of 2018, we successfully continued the realignment of the Group and further improved our profitability. This led to an operating result of CHF 8.8 million (previous year: CHF 7.5 million).

  • Cover of annual report 2017

    Annual Report 2017

    In the financial year 2017, Von Roll achieved a positive EBIT of CHF 4.5 million (previous year: CHF −17.3 million). Overall, Group sales increased by 4.1 % to CHF 332.4 million. Order intake also rose by 2.8 % to CHF…

  • Cover of Annual Report 2016

    Annual Report 2016

    Over the past two years alone, numerous measures have been taken worldwide to consolidate and modernise our production landscape. The structural improvements made as a result are reflected in figures such as our gross margin, which increased by 3.3 percentage…
